Episode 001 // From Cushy & Corporate to Running the Show with Amanda Boleyn (COURAGE)

Courage & Clarity show

Summary: <pre><code> &lt;img class="thumb-image" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/586c0773ebbd1a367d451544/t/586ffb321e5b6cc859ba3e99/1483733819154/" data-image-dimensions="500x754" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="586ffb321e5b6cc859ba3e99" data-type="image" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/586c0773ebbd1a367d451544/t/586ffb321e5b6cc859ba3e99/1483733819154/?format=1000w" /&gt; </code></pre> <p>Here we go ... we're kicking off the first season of this podcast!</p><p>We've been doing lots of work behind the scenes to bring you an entire collection of real, honest stories intended to help you find the courage &amp; clarity to go after what you love.</p><p>In fact, in this first episode my favorite moment is when our guest, Amanda Boleyn, talks about the *exact moment* she knew she was going to quit her job and go out on her own -- Terrifying! But I know a lot of you are thinking about doing that very same thing... because there’s something we want to create.</p><p>More on Amanda in just a moment, but first I need to tell you why this show you’re listening to is different than other podcasts you’ve heard before.</p><p>I created this podcast to address the fact that creative, badass entrepreneurial women struggle again and again with two main elements:</p><ol> <li>The vision: for our lives &amp; our projects</li> <li>The process: what's needed to make that vision a reality. </li> </ol><p>These are two totally different mindsets. On one hand there’s knowing what you want... And on the other hand there’s, actually doing it.</p><p>So, for each guest you’re going to hear an entire episode about her VISION, and then you’re going to hear another episode entirely devoted to the PROCESS.</p><p>This show is all about helping you find the courage &amp; the clarity to go after what you love. </p><p>I’ve seen too many hopeful entrepreneurs fizzle out either because they got too high on a vision and never got down to brass tacks — or they got bogged down in the process without having a real vision for themselves in the first place.</p><p>That’s why I’m breaking each conversation up into two episodes — one called COURAGE (because it takes a ton of courage to find your vision) — and one called CLARITY (because bringing a vision into the real world requires a crystal clear process).</p><p>I'm so excited to bring you 12 episodes with 6 incredible guests as my first season of this show, and I'm pumped to have you follow along with me. I have learned A TON from these ladies and I know you will too.</p><p>---</p><p>Now, our first guest — I’m so excited for you guys to meet her — Amanda Boleyn is the amazing, vibrant and fun host of the She Did it Her Way podcast. I think you guys are going to LOVE these two conversations I had with her, she really gives us a behind the scenes look at how she's built her podcast &amp; the She Did it Her Way brand, and her energy is so authentic &amp; real.</p><p>In this COURAGE episode, listen for when she describes the exact moment she knew she was going to leave her plush corporate job to go out on her own -- what that felt like, and how she found the COURAGE to say *yes* to complete uncertainty.</p><p>Now, if you like this one you’re definitely going to like the next episode where she shares — wait for it! — a 3-step framework for how to leave your job and pursue your business full time.</p><p>I’m creating these episodes every week, releasing a new COURAGE and a new CLARITY every &amp; every Monday. So if you haven’t yet, subscribe in your podcast app so you get every episode as it comes out.</p><p>Now without further adieu, let's get into our very first episode with Amanda Boleyn!</p> <p></p><p><em>P.S. if you like the show, you can help me out in a major way by <strong>subscribing and leaving a quick review in iTunes</strong>. It makes a big difference and should only take a minute.</em><span> </span><strong><a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/courage-clarity-courage-clarity/id1193065784">Subscribe and leave a review in iTunes here »</a></strong></p><p>SHOW NOTES: </p><ul> <li><a href="http://shediditherway.com">She Did it Her Way</a></li> <li><a href="http://instagram.com/amandaboleyn">Amanda's instagram</a></li> </ul>