Ep 035 // How Two Best Friends Who Hated Work Got Unstuck with Rachel & Kristen of Clarity on Fire (Courage)

Courage & Clarity show

Summary: <pre><code> &lt;img class="thumb-image" alt="clarityonfire2.png" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/586c0773ebbd1a367d451544/t/593191cc9f74563de4085877/1496420821607/clarityonfire2.png" data-image-dimensions="721x721" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="593191cc9f74563de4085877" data-type="image" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/586c0773ebbd1a367d451544/t/593191cc9f74563de4085877/1496420821607/clarityonfire2.png?format=1000w" /&gt; </code></pre> <p></p><p>It's the grand finale of Season 2 of the Courage &amp; Clarity podcast, and I couldn't imagine two more perfect guests for playing us out with a bang. This week I'm joined by Rachel East and Kristen Walker of <a target="_blank" href="http://clarityonfire.com">Clarity on Fire, </a>two incredible career &amp; life coaches for millennial who feel stuck. </p><p> </p><p>I've been following Rachel &amp; Kristen for a long time now (<a target="_blank" href="https://fizzle.co/sparkline/10-really-great-email-newsletters">I mentioned them a while ago on The Fizzle Show</a> as one of my very favorite emails I get each week -- and I'm only subscribed to a few!) </p><p>I was excited to "meet" Rachel &amp; Kristen, but what I couldn't know in advance was how much fun they were to talk to and how effortlessly we connected via the airwaves. It was kind of magical, guys, and I hope you can hear it too! </p><p>In this Courage episode, we're digging into how these two best friends started a business together in the first place, starting all the way back at the beginning for each of them individually. </p><p>Some of the highlights you'll hear: </p><ul> <li>How to assess whether you should go into business with your BFF - or anyone else for that matter! </li> <li>Why your reality might not be completely true, and the way your current circumstances may be playing tricks on you</li> <li>What happens when you challenge the way you've always seen the world (hint: amazing transformation!)</li> <li>What it's like when you know this can't be it, but you have no idea what to do next (aka, feeling totally stuck) </li> <li>How being young &amp; naive might actually be a good thing sometimes</li> <li>Why Rachel, Kristen nor I have no interest in being a #girlboss (and what we're all doing instead!)</li> </ul> <p></p><p> </p><p>SHOW NOTES: </p><ul> <li><a target="_blank" href="http://courageandclarity.com/questions">Submit your Questions for the Q&amp;A Episode!</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="http://clarityonfire.com">Clarity on Fire </a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="http://clarityonfire.com/not-a-girlboss/">"Confession: I have no desire to be a #girlboss"</a></li> </ul>