Ep 036 // 3 Steps You Must Take to Find Your Passion with Rachel & Kristen of Clarity on Fire (Clarity)

Courage & Clarity show

Summary: <p>After throwing it back to the days of depressed Netflix binge-watching and cubicle panic attacks in our<a target="_blank" href="http://courageandclarity.com/podcast/35"> Courage episode</a>, I'm so excited to dig into the Clarity episode with Rachel East &amp; Kristen Walker! After all, their website &amp; business is <em>Clarity</em> On Fire and they definitely live up to the name in this episode.  </p> <pre><code> &lt;img class="thumb-image" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/586c0773ebbd1a367d451544/t/5931924f15cf7df3c8f98d8b/1496420957615/" data-image-dimensions="727x726" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-load="false" data-image-id="5931924f15cf7df3c8f98d8b" data-type="image" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/586c0773ebbd1a367d451544/t/5931924f15cf7df3c8f98d8b/1496420957615/?format=1000w" /&gt; </code></pre> <p></p><p> </p><p> I've heard from so many of you that you just want to find a way making a living doing something you actually care about. In truth, that mission is the entire premise of this podcast. And so, having Rachel &amp; Kristen dive into this topic where they both shine so brightly was a true treat for me, and I hope you get as much from this conversation as I did! </p><p>Here's what you'll learn in this <em>awesome </em>episode:</p><ul> <li>Why it's so hard to find our passion in the first place</li> <li>Why many of us get so stuck choosing between what we're good at and what we actually like</li> <li>How to make working feel more like living</li> <li>The one question Rachel &amp; Kristen would ask you if you're feeling guilty about changing your career path </li> <li>Why finding your passion is kind of like looking at a giant buffet, and how to figure out what the heck to put on your plate</li> <li>The 3 things you absolutely MUST know about passion to help you find yours!</li> </ul> <p></p><p> </p><p>SHOW NOTES:</p><ul> <li><a target="_blank" href="http://freshbooks.com/clarity">Freshbooks - get 30 days free!</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="http://courageandclarity.com/questions">Courage &amp; Clarity Q+A - submit your Q's here</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="http://clarityonfire.com">Clarity on Fire </a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="http://clarityonfire.com/quiz/">The Passion Profile Quiz </a></li> </ul>