#31 Discrepant Events to Inspire Learning

Teach Me, Teacher show

Summary: Hello everyone!<br> I’m pleased to bring back Alan Small, author of <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Science-Club-Handbook-complete-blueprint/dp/0692716777">The Science Club Handbook</a>, to discuss how to WOW students into engagement.<br> In this episode, we talk about what discrepant events are, how and why to use them, and practical advice for implementation into your already made lesson plans.<br> I had a lot of fun on this one. Alan is one of the smartest educators I know, and he’s always willing to help.<br> FUN FACT: You can get a FREE copy of his book, <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Science-Club-Handbook-complete-blueprint/dp/0692716777">The Science Club Handbook</a>, by tweeting at him <a href="https://twitter.com/thefort_fw?lang=en">@TheFort_FW</a> … Get a copy while you can! It’s brilliant, and it will help every teacher who wants to discover ways to engage students outside of the classroom.<br> Enjoy!<br>