Red Carpet Beauty and Fashion Tips - Shake Up Your Fall & Winter Routine With 10 Sexy Hot Tips

Anand Bhatt show

Summary: "Winter is coming" and it's time we shake up our routine in every aspect of health, hair, and exercise! The holidays are going to be here before we know it and we need to set up a routine and plan for getting through the holiday season without gaining a ton of weight and more importantly feeling like a slug from all the excess sugar, which by the way is the devil hidden in those beautfuly decorated sugar cookies and pumpkin lattes! Here are a few tips to help stay on track, while still having fun and not feeling deprived. 1. When you are running out the door, before you grab your handbag and keys, fill up your water bottle and add a squeeze of lemon which will help re-alkaline your system and best of all helps rid our system of sugar cravings. We often think we are hungry, when we are really incredibly dehydrated. 2. I know that pumpkin latte tastes like heaven on earth, but try a pumpkin tea or chai tea with no sugar. The more sugar you eat, the more we crave and eat. I tell myself at the begining of the season, I will enjoy one amazing holiday sugary latte, and then it's back to tea with no sugar. Let's enjoy a holiday baked good then drinking a million empty calories daily of a sugary latte. [SEE: How to Make Indian Style Tea] 3. When the weather is chilly and it is tough to go to the gym when we feel so cold, try a hot yoga class! The hot room feels so good on tight muscles, we clear our pores with a good sweat and your body will get a deep stretch that we need to get ready for ski season. Changing up our work out routines during the winter months, keeps the boredom away and will keep you from skipping our much needed workouts. READ MORE AT Celebrate Freedom Anand Bhatt y Romeo Santos en Spotify Connect with Anand Bhatt "El Latindio": Send Anand a Message/Envia una mensaje @ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Sexy Reggae Anand Bhatt Girl in the Snow" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-