005: The Very Best Way You Can Support your Child in School // Amanda Hamilton Roos of Building the Bridge

3 in 30 Takeaways for Moms show

Summary: Is your child's life at school a bit of a mystery to you? Whenever you ask what he/she did today, do you hear the lackluster response, "Oh, nothing."<br> <br> Amanda Hamilton Roos taught high school English for nearly a decade before deciding to stay home with her three children. She has continued to be very involved in education by writing curriculum and developing a website called <a href="https://www.buildingthebridge.org/">BuildingtheBridge.org</a>. Her mission is to help families bridge the divide between home and school and build strong, effective partnerships.<br> <br> In today's podcast, she shares three easy steps for forming a "working relationship" with your child's teacher.  Within the discussion, you will learn...<br> <br> * Why talking to your child's teacher about something other than school is so important<br> * How to start these conversations without sounding like an awkward teenager on a blind date<br> * How often you should "follow up" with teachers and in what ways<br> * Why a little praise and gratitude goes a long way<br> * What you should be asking to see within the classroom<br> <br> Show Notes<br> <br> Amanda's website for families and teachers: <a href="https://www.buildingthebridge.org/">BuildingtheBridge.org</a><br> <br> * The article we discuss in the podcast: "<a href="https://www.buildingthebridge.org/parent-best-way-to-support-your-child-in-school">The Best Way to Support Your Child in School</a>"<br> <br> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Bake-Sale-Essential-Partnerships/dp/1565848888/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1510533462&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=Beyond+the+Bake+Sale&amp;dpID=41T4I7KO%252BHL&amp;preST=_SX218_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&amp;dpSrc=srch">Beyond the Bakesale: The Essential Guide to Family and School Partnerships</a> by Anne Hendersen<br> <br> <a href="http://3in30podcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Amanda-Hamilton-Roos-Quote.jpg"></a>