Why Do People Convert Better On Desktop Than Mobile | Ep. #67 - Q&A Selling Online - From Amazon FBA to Shopify, Digital Marketing and Facebook Ads

Q&A Selling Online - From Amazon FBA to Shopify, Digital Marketing and Facebook Ads show

Summary: Sam’s customers convert better on desktop computer compared to the smartphone.<br> Quin thinks this could be only during certain times of the day.<br> He would like to know what platform Sam is selling in<br> He knows it is not on Amazon, due to them not giving access to all customer stats.<br> With that being said, Quin has seen it be the opposite in most situations.<br> He believes people are so attached to their smartphones these days, that it’s becoming more and more easy, to get someone to convert, when they are on the phone<br> In your situation, there could be a few things that make it happen that way.<br> 1 – could be that the site where your customer is landing , isnt optimized for smart phones<br> 2 – Could be the time of day. Most people browse the internet while at work, and there are things that you need to talk to your partner (wife/husband) before buying<br> 3- Checkout process could be long for those without a wifi connection. Always make sure to run thrown your own checkout, to see what it looks and feels like.<br> If your customers convert better on the desktop than on the smartphone, maybe it could also be because of who your target audience is<br> Meaning if you are targeting mostly webmasters, admin people or older generations<br> They tend to spend more time on a computer or a laptop anyway.<br> You didn’t mention if the fact that they Convert Better On Desktop was good or bad for you.<br> If you have a minute, get back to us and let us know what the conversion rate is.<br> Quin has a feeling it could be because of the target audience, and your smartphone conversion rate could be normal, but the desktop conversion is above the average.<br> This is actually something super exciting to figure out if we have all the information<br> Please make sure to get back to us with the remainder of the stats so we can help you out<br> Don’t forget to listen to episode 63, where <a href="http://qasellingonline.com/5-organic-sales-amazon-fba/">Quin talks about his new product launch</a><br> Thanks<br> Quin’s Admin (sitting behind a laptop)<br>  <br>  <br>  <br>  <br>