David Wheaton and the University of Destruction

CrossPolitic Studios show

Summary: <p>This week we’re joined by David Wheaton, nationally syndicated radio host and 1991 winner of the Grand Slam Cup, to discuss the spiritual crisis on university campuses. As many as fifty percent of Christian students say they’ve lost their faith by the time they graduate college, and yet Christians continue to think there is no crisis.</p> <p>David’s book, <a href="http://amzn.to/2hhgWSa" target="_blank" rel="noopener">University of Destruction</a>, describes his own experiences at Stanford and outlines the three Pillars of Peril–sex, drugs/alcohol, and humanism–that students face in college, and discusses how students can raise their spiritual GPA as a strategy for gaining victory over these perils (follow this link for the <a href="http://davidwheaton.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Full-Guide.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">study guide</a>).</p> <p>In CrossPolitic news, we cover NPR CEO Ken Stern’s journey to conservatism, the referral of children to UK sex change clinics at the rate of 50 kids per week, and sex education testing in a public school in Oklahoma.</p> <p><strong>Upcoming Events</strong><br> 1) <a href="https://www.nsa.edu/admissions/visit-nsa/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">New Saint Andrews College Prospective Student Weekend</a>: November 10th through November 13th. Follow the link to sign up.<br> 2) <a href="http://calledconference.ninja/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CALLED</a><a href="http://calledconference.ninja/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> Conference</a>: July 16th through 20th, 2018, in Moscow, Idaho. This conference will challenge Christian high school students to become the next generation of cultural leaders, because they are CALLED<br> → to put on the whole armor of God<br> → to engage culture<br> → to advance the Kingdom<br> 3) <a href="https://graceagenda.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Grace Agenda: Enraging the Culture</a>: April 13th and 14th, 2018, in Moscow, Idaho</p> <p>You can stream live from our website <a href="http://crosspolitic.com/episodes/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>, or you can find our newest episode in the <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/crosspolitic/id1158923632?mt=2" target="_blank" rel="noopener">iTunes store</a> and <a href="https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=2#/ps/Ifw7i5oecjsbcgxkwytdvsop6mq" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google store</a>.</p> <p>Advertise with us!  Please contact us (contact@crosspolitic.com) for packages and custom concepts.</p> <p>We appreciate your feedback, show ideas, and interested volunteers.  We pray that you find encouragement, edifying and challenging dialogue, and joy and laughter in our podcast.</p> <p>Lord bless,</p> <p>On behalf of the Host!</p> <p>About CP:<br> Cross Politic (Christ over politics) mixes the taboo formula of faith, culture, and politics in order to bring the clarity of the gospel into muddle-American.  We are a community of Christians who desire to see the Lordship of Christ in every corner of our culture, reigning over every politician, and changing every individual for our good and His glory.</p>