Value Town #146 - Secrets, Stones, & Gibberers (feat. RDU)

Value Town - A Hearthstone Podcast show

Summary: This week ChanManV, Alliestrasza, J4CKIECHAN, and RDU discuss the GameGune tournament in Spain and all the newly revealed Kobolds and Catacombs cards:- Sudden Betrayal- Cheat Death - Branching Paths - Level Up! - Duskbreaker - Kathrena Winterwisp - Lesser Mithril Spellstone - The Runespear - Feral Gibberer - Rummaging Kobold - Twig of the World Tree - Zola the Gorgon Support Value Town by becoming a patron at to our legendary patron producer Mike T. and Marshall O. Follow Value Town on Twitter at Follow all ChanManV TV shows at Show Notes