The Average Buyer Is Incredibly Distracted; Here’s What You Can Do About It November 12, 2017

The Sales Playbook Podcast show

Summary: <p>Advertisers know something about us and they are brilliant at navigating around it.</p><br> <p>They know that we need to hear, read, experience something MORE than once in order for a point to register.</p><br> <p>Your buyers are the same way!</p><br> <p>In this week's Quick Sales Tip, we talk about how you can make your point, in multiple ways, over the ENTIRE sales cycle without;</p><br> <p>Coming across as incredibly repetitious!</p><br> <p>So go ahead and give it a listen, I triple dog dare ya!</p><br> <h2 style="text-align: center;">Would You Like To Close MORE Deals?</h2><br> <p>Join us for our <a href=""><em><strong>How To Close MORE Business</strong></em></a> webinar, this Thursday, November 16th, at 11:30 am EST!</p><br> <p><strong>Here’s what you’ll gain by joining us;</strong></p><br> <ul> <li>30 ways to find buyers with a much higher degree of urgency to do the deal NOW!</li> <br> <li class="role-element leadstyle-container"> <br> <p class="role-element leadstyle-text">How to <strong>get the right players to your meetings…</strong> my definition of the “right players” might surprise you.</p> <br> </li> <br> <li class="role-element leadstyle-container"> <br> <p class="role-element leadstyle-text">How to establish your authority … <strong>BEFORE you even have your first meeting </strong>with your prospect. How to set the rules of engagement and outfox your competitors during highly competitive situations.</p> <br> </li> <br> <li class="role-element leadstyle-container">12 “Insurance Policies” you MUST take out with EVERY prospect!</li> <br> <li>12 forms of “evidence” that reduce doubt, skepticism and objections.</li> <br> <li class="role-element leadstyle-container"> <br> <p class="role-element leadstyle-text">How to create a higher degree of urgency during the “courtship” and how to ask for the business <strong>WITHOUT any of those cheesy “closing lines”!</strong></p> <br> </li> <br> <li class="role-element leadstyle-container"> <br> <p class="role-element leadstyle-text">How to handle the price objection <strong>WITHOUT giving away the store</strong> and how to handle stalls like “I need to think it over” and “I need to run this by my boss”. And just for sh*ts and giggles, we might as well show you what to do when your prospect goes silent and stops responding to you.</p> <br> </li> <br> <li class="role-element leadstyle-container"> <br> <p class="role-element leadstyle-text">How to position yourself for a “second chance” <strong>when you lose a deal</strong>!</p> <br> </li> <br> </ul><p><strong>Here’s What You’ll Get . . .</strong></p><br> <p>(1) 90 Minute Webinar Packed With Actionable Tips.</p><br> <p>Worksheets</p><br> <p>Webinar Replay (Sent Later That Day)</p><br> <p>2 Templates That Have Been Working Like A Charm For Me</p><br> <p><strong>What’s The Investment?</strong></p><br> <p>$99</p><br> <p>Please <strong><a href=";hosted_button_id=NT4N377U7N5CS">click HERE</a></strong> to reserve your spot, and to take the first step to;</p><br> <p><strong>Closing MORE of the deals</strong> you’ve worked hard to create!</p>