How To Radically Improve A Sales Email December 17, 2017

The Sales Playbook Podcast show

Summary: <p>If your sales emails are getting ignored or if you're getting the dreaded "Remove", this week's Quick Sales Tip is for you!</p><br> <p>I take you through 3 super simple things you can IMMEDIATELY change that will get you better results.</p><br> <p>No time to listen to this FREE audio tip?</p><br> <p>Bullsh*t! Make the time!</p><br> <p>Listen to it in the car, on your flight,but let's lose the excuses and get to work!</p><br> <h2 style="text-align: center;">Would You Like My 20 Best Sales Email Templates?</h2><br> <p>This Thursday, December 21st at 11:30 am EST, I’m going to be sharing my 4 step messaging framework, my 20 BEST sales emails and then sending everyone on their way with my sales email templates.</p><br> <h2 style="text-align: center;">BUT HERE’S THE THING;</h2><br> <h2 style="text-align: center;">THERE’S ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT TO REGISTER!</h2><br> <h3 class="line-height-scale-9 font-scale-4 text-align-left">Here are just a few of the emails we’ll discuss;</h3><br> <ul class="font-scale-4 line-height-scale-7 lp-list lp-list--checkmark text-align-left"> <li>The 2 emails that generate a sick amount of appointments for me each week.</li> <br> <li><span class="font-scale-5">The one email (with 12 different variations) that reduces doubt, skepticism and objections.</span></li> <br> <li><span class="font-scale-5">The email that demonstrates your expertise.</span></li> <br> <li><span class="font-scale-5">The “Little Big Horn” email.</span></li> <br> <li>2 emails you MUST send to your LinkedIn network.</li> <br> <li>The “Social Clue” email.</li> <br> <li>The “Disappearing Prospect” email.</li> <br> <li>An intro email (with 30 different variations).</li> <br> <li><span class="font-scale-5">The “Reverse Call To Action” email.</span></li> <br> </ul><h3>When?</h3><br> <p>Thursday, December 21st, at 11:30 am EST.</p><br> <h3>Can’t make it that day?</h3><br> <p>Sign up anyway and I’ll send you the webinar replay. View it after the holidays if you prefer.</p><br> <h3>Here’s what you’ll get;</h3><br> <p class="line-height-scale-7 font-scale-4 text-align-left"><span class="font-scale-5">(1) 90 minute webinar with over 50 ideas. </span></p><br> <ul class="font-scale-4 line-height-scale-7 lp-list lp-list--checkmark text-align-left"> <li>Worksheets</li> <br> <li>Webinar Replay</li> <br> <li>My personal sales email folder with 20 templates!</li> <br> </ul><h3>How much?</h3><br> <p>$99</p><br> <p>Please <a href=";hosted_button_id=5YGE7AYHNP272"><strong>click HERE</strong> </a> to join us (and to get your email templates)</p>