EquatIO/Text Help/ Desmos

The TeacherCast App Spotlight show

Summary: In this episode of the TeacherCast Podcast, we ask the question “Can You Take Your Math Class Paperless?” <br> <a href="https://www.texthelp.com/en-us/company/education-blog/november-2017/equatio-is-now-free-for-teachers/">Learn how you can take advantage of the FREE teacher version of Equatio.</a><br> In this episode, you will learn:<br> <br> How to create both simple and complex equations through voice, ink, and thought.<br> How to create detailed lessons in EquatIO that can be copied into Docs, Slides, Sites, and Office applications<br> How to engage your students by having your students create drawings and animations using Desmos’s powerful graphic engine.<br> <br> Why is this news Awesome?<br> <br> Texthelp has integrated Desmos’s graphing calculator into EquatIO<br> Desmos’s best-in-class HTML5 graphing calculator is used by millions of students around the world to help them experience all the curiosity, beauty, and sense that math has to offer<br> Desmos imagines a world of universal math literacy where math is accessible and enjoyable for all students<br> EquatIO, Texthelp’s award-winning STEM tool, makes it easy for students and teachers to create equations, formulas and other mathematical expressions digitally<br> Much more than a replacement for pen and paper, EquatIO makes math and STEM subjects more accessible in today’s classrooms, meeting the unique needs of all learners<br> With the addition of Desmos’s API, EquatIO users can now add graphing to its growing list of capabilities<br> The integration with Desmos enables EquatIO to become a one-stop-shop for making math and other STEM subjects digital<br> <br> 3 Ways to Use:<br> <br> From a Teacher standpoint (i.e. building a graph with a corresponding question to be shared through EquatIO mathspace)<br> From a Student standpoint (i.e. using prediction to build out graphs based on a teacher question received through EquatIO mathspace)<br> Using desmos graphs to visualize a concept that then students can explore on their own in their EquatIO mathspace<br> <br> Follow our Podcast<br> <br> The TeacherCast Educational Broadcasting Network | <a href="http://www.twitter.com/teachercast">@TeacherCast</a><br> <br> Follow our Host<br> <br> Jeff Bradbury | <a href="http://www.twitter.com/jeffbradbury">@JeffBradbury</a><br> <br> About Desmos<br> Beautiful, powerful, math! <a href="https://www.desmos.com/">Desmos</a> imagines a world of universal math literacy where math is accessible and enjoyable for all students. The Desmos Graphing Calculator instantly plots any equation – from lines and parabolas through regressions and derivatives. This is the next generation of interactive math. <br> We built<a href="https://www.desmos.com/calculator/"> the best-in-class HTML5 Desmos graphing calculator</a>, which millions of students around the world use for free. That calculator catches stellar reviews in<a href="https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/desmos-graphing-calculato/bhdheahnajobgndecdbggfmcojekgdko?hl=en"> app</a><a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/desmos-graphing-calculator/id653517540?mt=8"> stores</a> and from<a href="https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&amp;vertical=default&amp;q=desmos&amp;src=typd"> happy users on Twitter</a>. We sustain our growth through<a href="https://www.desmos.com/partners/"> our partnerships</a> with publishers and assessment companies.<br> Desmos believes the best days of math education and the best days of Desmos are ahead of us.<br> About Texthelp<br> TexthelpⓇ believes that everyone shares a fundamental need to be understood by others, and language is our passport to academic, social and professional success. This is what drives Texthelp to create smart, easy-to-use support technologies that enable young people and adults to read, write and communicate with confidence and independence.<br> Texthelp works with leading technology companies including Google a...