"Monday Night Musings: MSM Loses the Syria Narrative" 4/10/17

Quite Frankly show

Summary: Yay! It's Monday! I was sent a new vocabulary word by my fiance` —one she thought I would enjoy. It sent me off on a string of thoughts that I thought would be enjoyable enough ride out for the opening. From there, we ask the question "What is you biggest issue?" Is it the economy, is it foreign policy, is it race relations? What is the most pressing issue of our time? Then we check in on CNN, who has a couple of their Donald Trump narratives sneezed right back into their faces by a Syrian man who allegedly survived the 2013 gas attack. A woman is thrown down by a cop; a man is dragged off of a plane...and we'll see you all tomorrow night at 7pm! Watch the full episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPVouCq7Vyc