Episode 120: All About MAMA BIRD BOX with Beth Knapp

The Blossoming Mommy and Baby Show show

Summary: Ladies, allow me to formally introduce you to our latest Mommy Obsession, Mama Bird Box!! This is an amazing company that you are going to absolutely LOVE! In today's episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Mama Bird Box's founder, Beth Knapp and learning more about this one of a kind product for expecting mamas!! If you know someone who is pregnant, you have got to check out the ultimate gift for mamas-to-be, Mama Bird Box. Enjoy our show, sister!! Show References: Grab your Podcast Perks! Activate Your Blossom To Be Fit MOMMY Membership! Gain Your Grounded and Glowing Access Grab Your Freebie Get Your MAMA BIRD BOX Here! Jennifer Blossom Contact: admin@blossomtobefit.com, www.blossomtobefit.com Find Blossom To Be Fit on social media: @blossomtobefit Listen Now! Did you enjoy today s episode? Let us know by leaving us a rating and review on iTunes! This is also a great way to help other mamas, just like YOU, find and enjoy the Blossom To Be Fit Show! Have a question, comment or suggestion about the Blossom To Be Fit Show? Send us an email at info@blossomtobefit.com or connect with us over on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter @BlossomToBeFit. Don t forget to subscribe to The Blossom To Be Fit Show on your podcast app to make sure you never miss out on the latest, gorgeous episodes! You can also be the first to know when a new episode airs and receive a special gift from us when you subscribe to our email list HERE! Happy Listening!!