Episode 177: Blossoming Babes Q&A with Jenni and Courtney

The Blossoming Mommy and Baby Show show

Summary: Hey, Girlfriend! Happy November!! We hope you have had a wonderful week and you are ready to kick off the weekend with a gorgeous episode of Blossoming Babes QandA! Today, Courtney is back and chatting with Jenni about different day to day things, including GILMORE GIRLS! Because who doesn't love Gilmore Girls? In today s episode we answer the following questions: Does Courtney have a time of her day that is slower or faster? What is one of Jenni's family values? What is one thing Courtney has tried and will never do again? What cheers Jenni up on a bad day? Does Courtney prefer to be in a group or alone? If Jenni could only watch one show for the rest of her life, which one would it be? Now it s your turn!! What show would you pick?! Let us know on Instagram @blossomingmommyandbaby. As always, we hope you enjoy learning more about the Babes behind Blossoming Mommy and Baby. Tune in next week for more fun, laughs, and girl chat!