#29: Docker, Density, Data Gravity and the New Complexity of SDN

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: At the time of recording this episode, Alex was still researching his January 29, 2015 in-depth post on The New Stack, “SDN, Docker and the Real Changes Ahead,” and he engages Michael in quite a bit of thinking out on the topic of SDN. Referring to a John Willis presentation that he captured at DockerCon Europe, Alex summarizes the transition from traditional, centralized software-defined networking to the current trend toward decentralized, distributed SDN. According to Willis, says Alex, there are two major factors that are affecting the way we think about networking. One issue is density, “the amount of virtual machines on any physical server, and how heavy they are because they carry that operating system.” Docker containers being more light-weight, “you may have the possibilty of thousands of containers on a server,” says Alex. “Secondly,” Alex continues, “data gravity comes into play because we have lots of services and apps that might be inside of these containers,” requiring more thought toward management and orchestration. Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/new-stack-analysts-show-29-docker-density-data-gravity-new-complexity-sdn/