#32: The Node.js Foundation, io.js and the New World of Open Source Governance

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: At the Node Summit last month, Donnie Berkholz and I recorded a discussion with TJ Fontaine about a new foundation for Node.js that was announced just before the conference. It follows the formation of io.js, a new Node community that split fom the core Node.js group. The interview with Fontaine, project lead for Node.js, started with a bit of joking that actually proved to be quite perinent to the issues about open source governance that have surfaced over the past several months. The interview covers a lot about the balance between the needs of the big users, such as Microsoft and IBM with the interest in pushing node forward and trying new things. The discussion gets a lot into the technical future of Node with a foundation model and how it might compare to other open source groups. Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/tns-analysts-show-32-the-node-js-foundation-io-js-and-the-new-world-of-open-source-governance/