#41: Monitoring and Microservices

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: For this edition of The New Stack Analysts podcast, Alex Williams and returning co-host Donnie Berkholz are joined by Phillip Liu, Founder, CTO, and Engineer at SignalFx, to discuss monitoring the modern distributed application. "It's very easy to create a virtual machine," says Phillip, "and the virtual machine is basically sized for your application, so no longer are you in a world where you have big metal servers and you have many applications running on the same physical server." However, if and when problems arise, it's not as easy to pinpoint the causes as it was ten years ago, when IT teams would triage these issues in-house. Alex wonders, "How is monitoring moving to the center of this new generation of microservices architecture that users are building?" Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/tns-analysts-show-41-monitoring-and-microservices/