#44: It's an Unsettling Time for Browsers and the Web

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: Alex Williams convenes a spirited panel for some analysis of the state of the browser, and by extension the state of the Web, leading to a fair amount of speculation about the direction of things. Sometime co-host James Governor, co-founder of Red Monk, John Edgar, Strategic Initiative VP at DigitalOcean, and John Lilly, Partner at Greylock (and who was CEO of Mozilla from 2008 until 2010) add their perspectives, while Paul Irish, Project Manager at Google, finds himself in the middle of the ring as the voice of Team Chrome, the leading browser. Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/tns-analysts-show-44-its-an-unsettling-time-for-browsers-and-the-web/