#51: Hashimoto and Polvi on the Painfully Pragmatic Go and Defining Google for Everyone

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: “Go is not just a programming language; it is a way of doing software development.” “It’s very precise.” “It’s gotten popular enough that there are people who hate it.” “It is pragmatic, painfully pragmatic.” “It’s from the stone ages.” “It’s a nicer C.” “There’s no future without Go.” The New Stack founder Alex Williams was merely asking his guests to talk about what changes they’d noticed from a year ago. Thus begins this episode of The New Stack Analysts podcast, captured at GopherCon in Denver, with guests Alex Polvi, CoreOS CEO and Founder, and Mitchell Hashimoto, CEO and Founder of Hashicorp. Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/2I5iJ1X2WnE Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/tns-analysts-show-51-hashimoto-and-polvi-on-the-painfully-pragmatic-go-and-defining-google-for-everyone/