#67: Understanding Apcera's Trusted Cloud Platform

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: Are speed and agility at hopelessly irresolvable odds with safe and compliant development? In this edition of The New Stack Analysts podcast, Derek Collison, Founder & CEO at Apcera, said that his team is working to allow developers and DevOps to go at speed, on a trusted platform system that brings together security and compliance. Also joining The New Stack’s Alex Williams for this insightful discussion, which was recorded at Kubecon 2015, was Janakiram MSV, who is an analyst and advisor at Janakiram & Associates, and is also a contributor to The New Stack. Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/PJCLTtRKc2w Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/tns-analysts-derek-collison-building-apceras-trusted-cloud-platform/