#79: Cloudsoft, InContinuum Team to offer Autonomous Multi-Cloud Computing

The New Stack Analysts show

Summary: The strategic partnership between Cloudsoft and InContinuum that was announced recently at IBM InterConnect in Las Vegas provides the context for this episode of The New Stack Analysts podcast. The New Stack’s Alex Williams and co-host Joab Jackson explored multi-platform environments, cloud automization and control planes, in a cordial conversation with Duncan Johnston-Watt, Founder and CEO of Cloudsoft Corporation, and also with Phillip Hyde, CEO and founder at InContinuum Software, and Scott Hartzel, Director of Product Management at Cloudsoft. Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/qyUS5RaT4Xo Learn more at: https://thenewstack.io/cloudsoft-incontinuum-set-controller-fully-fungible-cloud/