EPISODE 220 – Sir Arthur S. Vandergoogle IV Esq.

Who Asked You? show

Summary: Happy Labor Day errbody! Hopefully you've got the day off and can spend an hour of it listening to the show. You'll hear a number of interesting things. For example, this coming Friday is Google Commemoration Day, celebrating the founding of Google way back in 1845 by Sir Arthur S. Vandergoogle IV Esq. It's true... don't believe Wikipedia. What you can believe is that Marvel is cashing in on their success with THE AVENGERS. They've got an exclusive TV deal with ABC. Gee, I wonder how that worked out. Marvel is owned by Disney... ABC is owned by Disney too... hmmm. They're taking advantage of THE AVENGERS popularity and have greenlit a pilot series called S.H.I.E.L.D. Can you guess what it'll be about? Meanwhile, Sam Raimi is breathing a sigh of relief as he's won a court battle to block a sequel to EVIL DEAD that would surely interfere with the one he just finished producing. The company that was trying to make the unauthorized version believes Raimi's Renaissance Pictures forfeited the rights to the EVIL DEAD trademark by allowing dozens of other films to use it and Raimi himself saying he had no plans to make another film in the franchise. Obviously, the judge disagreed with that assessment. We share our thoughts on this next film from Raimi and the EVIL DEAD franchise in general. Jean-Claude Van Damme thinks Steven Seagal should lose weight if he takes a role offered to him in THE EXPENDABLES 3. It's not bad advice. Seagal could probably use the work to pay over $330,000 in back taxes that he owes to the state of California. I guess his Lightning Bolt energy drink was a success. By now you've probably seen that botched restoration of a Jesus Christ painting in Spain. If not, you're in for a treat. An old lady took it upon herself to try and repair the water-damaged 100 year-old fresco. Instead she turned it into something that would make Picasso proud. It immediately became the Internet meme of the day as jokesters Photoshopped it into other world-famous paintings. Now experts have to see if the damage (caused by the woman, not the moisture) can be undone. They're said to even be considering legal action against her. DNA can now be used as a storage device. Say goodbye to thumb drives and hello to just pricking your thumb. Okay, we're nowhere near that point yet. But the possibility is there. Scientists have found a way to store as much as 700 TB of data on a single gram of DNA. As you'll hear on today's show that doesn't necessarily mean you have to turn to blood for a little hard drive space. And a quick Breaking News blurb tells the tale of a Montana man who died trying to pull a Bigfoot prank on local residents. Wearing a military-style ghillie suit he snuck out onto a highway at night in hopes of tricking drivers. Instead, the Sasquatch got sasquished by two different cars! Although it was certainly his last outing, police say they don't think it was his first. They believe he's responsible for other sightings recently reported. Do you believe in Bigfoot? Maybe you've seen him yourself. Tell us about it. You can send us an E-Mail or try out our new voice message option. We'll read your comments or play them on next week's show. SHOW LINKS: SEND US AN AUDIO MESSAGE Marvel.com ABC.com Read about Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen on IMDb Buy the original "The Evil Dead" on DVD Steven Seagal's Official Website Steven Seagal's Lightning Bolt Energy Drink New Releases for Tuesday, September 4th: Criminal Minds (Season 7) Re-Animator [Blu-ray] Fringe (Season 4) Safe [DVD + Digital Copy] Harry Potter Wizard's Collection (Blu-ray/DVD Combo + UltraViolet Digital Copy) Parks and Recreation (Season 4) The Five-Year Engagement (2-Disc Combo Pack: Blu-ray/DVD/Digital Copy + UltraViolet) Arachnophobia [Blu-ray] Hocus Pocus [Blu-ray] Piranha DD