Creating a Blueprint For Your Heritage with Easkey Britton

The Unmistakable Creative Podcast show

Summary: <p>In this episode pro-surfer/filmmaker  Easkey Britton  whose grandmother brought the very first surfboard back to Ireland, share her story of a heritage that has been passed on from generation to generation and across international borders. Her relationship with the ocean has been an ongoing constant force in her life for so long, that she has no recollection of a time when she wasn’t a surfer. </p> <h3>Highlights</h3> <ul> <li><strong>Being born into a pioneering surfing family in Ireland</strong></li> <li>The power of heritage and stories that get passed on through generations</li> <li><strong>Uncovering edges and driving forces in our lives </strong></li> <li>The numerous parallels between life and waves </li> <li> <strong>Spaces in between the big moments of our lives</strong> </li> <li>The growth mindset that kids naturally possess</li> <li><strong>Learning to laugh in very serious situations </strong></li> <li>The art of noticing and developing presence </li> <li><strong>An amazing story of bringing surfing to Iran </strong></li> <li>Finding the blueprint of our own heritage to create something meaningful </li> <li><strong>Why the ocean dissolves all barriers and boundaries </strong></li> </ul> <p></p> <p><em>Easkey Britton is a surfer, artist, explore and co-founder of <a href="">Waves of Freedom</a> . You can follow her on twitter <a href="">@easkeysurf</a></em></p>