Pres. Payback Parties, American Kids Die

Informed America Radio show

Summary: Enteroviris D-68 aka the “Unaccompanied Alien Virus” killing American children while Obama parties. How about a big cup of shut the f*** up? Vapid actress Gwyneth Paltrow universally mocked for her slobbering school girl crush on Barack Obama, but the best is the work of the anonymous public artist Sabo, who created a series of “Obama Drones” posters, featuring her and other Hollywood idiots, like Jon Stewart. After two months of Obama’s brilliant Middle East strategy, which the Pentagon admits will not work, ISIS is about to take the city of Kobani, with eyes on Baghdad, as our “ally” Turkey passively watches. Rep. Duncan Hunter says 10 people with affiliation with radical Islamic terror organizations captured on the porous Southern border. Sec. of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson shrugs. Meanwhile, Boko Haram has burned nearly 200 Christian Churches, and girls are still missing. Pastor who recently escaped describes one girl being raped 15 times a day by different men. Do we need another hashtag? Environmental wackos from the infamous University of East Anglia are at it again, now suggesting that to save the earth, we all start peeing in the shower Tyranny of black robes file: The Supreme Court’s non-decision on the issue of so-called “same sex marriage” is a complete dereliction of duty, allowing rogue lower court judges to make up “rights” out of whole cloth and impose them on the citizens of the several states If Congress had listened to author and law professor William Quirk, who recently passed away, about adding one sentence to the Defense of Marriage Act, we wouldn’t be in this mess! Where do most mass shootings happen? I think you know. - See more at: