Geotargetting with the Google Maps API

Zend Screencasts: Video Tutorials about the Zend PHP Framework  (iphone) show

Summary: <p>This video will is part of a multi-part series on looking at how we can leverage some of Google’s API’s to build a fancy mapping tool that’s driven from a Google Docs Spreadsheet. If you haven’t worked with Google Docs or Zend_Gdata before, I suggest you take a look at the <a href="">video introducing Zend_Gdata and the Google -Zend libraries</a>. This video looks at how we can build our own very simple web service adapter for <a href="">Google’s geocoding service</a>. As with most zendcasts, I invite you to <a href="">download the source code</a>, <a href="">browse it online</a> and <a href="">discuss the video in the forums</a>.<br> </p>