Using Zend_Cache to speed up Web Service calls

Zend Screencasts: Video Tutorials about the Zend PHP Framework  (iphone) show

Summary: <p>A short video showing how you can test and implement Zend_Cache on a class that makes a really slow request (like a web service call).<br> This is part 4 in a four part series on Google Docs and Google maps. While this example shows how to cache a Class to a file, you could easily modify the code to work with other caching backends such as a memory-based caching engine or something like Zend Optimizer or APC.</p> <h3>Previous Parts</h3> <ul> <li><a href="">Part 1 – Introduction to the Google Docs API</a></li> <li><a href="">Part 2 – Geotargetting with the Google Maps API</a></li> <li><a href="">Part 3 – Using Google Maps with Zend_GData</a></li> </ul> <h3>Show Synopsis</h3> <ul> <li>0:00 – What is caching</li> <li>4:15 – preparing our bootstrap (for later on)</li> <li>6:25 – Reviewing the class we want to unit test</li> <li>10:25 – writing our first iteration of the Zend_Cache</li> <li>13:22 – front options and back options</li> <li>15:00 – looking at what Zend_Cache is caching</li> <li>18:25 – Moving caching into the bootstrap</li> </ul>