Legendary Life Podcast: Fitness I HealthI Nutrition I Healthy Lifestyle For People Over 30+, 40+: 232: Why You Need Unwavering Commitment To Achieve Your Goals

Best Self Improvement Podcasts - 7 Per week show

Summary: Published on 11 Jan 2017.  There's an old saying that goes "some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it." The commitment to work is often what separates successful people from the dreamers, the people who make the same resolutions every year but never follow through. In this episode, I will discuss why so many people find it hard to commit and teach you easy solutions that you can incorporate into your busy routine right away. Also, if you’re ready to commit to the work and finally achieve your goals this year, get my free video training now and make 2017 your best year ever.   IT'S ONLY ELEVEN days into the New Year and most well-intentioned resolutions have already bit the dust. Of course they have. Are you surprised? Want to know why?   I’M GOING TO TELL YOU WHY AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT.   BUT BEFORE YOU START TO LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE, PLEASE GO TO OUR WEBSITE AND SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE VIDEO TRAINING CALLED HOW TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH AND FITNESS IN 2017. IF YOU’RE SERIOUS ABOUT TRANSFORMING YOUR HEALTH, BODY, AND LIFE IN 2017, THIS IS THE RIGHT TRAINING FOR YOU.  START TO WATCH TODAY. IT’S FREE BUT FOR A LIMITED TIME.  BACK TO THE EPISODE….   Commitment Issues IF YOU LOOK at successful people in any field, you’ll find that they’re not necessarily the brightest, best looking, fastest or the strongest of the bunch. What you will find is that they understand that all great accomplishment is preceded by great commitment. They know that the pain and discomfort that they feel because of today’s demands and sacrifices will be the strength and success they will feel and be able to supply again tomorrow. They know that commitment means staying loyal to what they said they were going to do…long after the mood they said it in has left them. They long ago accepted the reality that if they’re not working at improving their game to the utmost of their ability, and strengthening their resolve, that there will be someone out there, somewhere with equal ability who is. They know that when commitment is lost, it is because of deficiencies in character, discipline, focus and follow through. As a result, they have decided that giving up is not an option. So, here’s a few questions for you to consider…but before you answer, I want you to think long and hard about your past performance for the simple reason that behavior never lies. How great is the power of your commitment? Do you have a demonstrated track record of honoring your commitments until the end? Disposable is a good word to describe many of today’s products. From razors to diapers, from milk cartons to toner cartridges, it seems that disposability is being built into the very fabric of society. Have commitments and promises fallen into the same trap? Is it really no big deal to make a commitment and then discard it, to make a promise and then simply walk away from it? In a world where commitment is vital to success, why do so many people suffer from commitment issues? Why is there such a profound commitment deficit in people’s lives rather than an excess surplus? COMMITMENT ISSUES Commitment issues or a fear of commitment is a term often used in reference to romantic relationships. But the truth is…far too many people have commitment issues in just about every area of their lives which is why they find themselves unfulfilled and unsuccessful in so many areas to include their career, health, finances… and in the achievement of their goals. Commitment is a virtue, one that requires fulfillment, and one that punishes unfaithfulness. Yet, for many, it’s going to take a dramatic shift to embrace the importance of commitments and internalize the meaning of permanence. If your word is not supported by action, if you take a cavalier attitude towards your obligations, the party’s over as you really have nothing of value to offer. Your wo