Someone has to do that job…or not from the Career Opportunities Podcast

Career Opportunities with Douglas E. Welch show

Summary: <a href="">Someone has to do that job…or not from the Career Opportunities Podcast</a><br> <a href=""></a><br> From the Career Opportunities Archives…<br> <br> When pressed, we can come up with a hundred and one reasons why we stay in a lousy job. “The economy is bad. There aren’t any jobs available. I’m not cut out for anything else.” For me, though, the worst excuse, by far is “Well, someone has to do the job.” To this I reply, “someone may have to do the job, but it doesn’t have to be you.”<br> <br> <br> <br> Let me be very clear that I am not talking about all the unpleasant, but extremely necessary work out there like garbage collection, sewer maintenance or animal control. Even in these unpleasant activities, workers can find high levels of job satisfaction along with equally high salaries. This is exactly how it should be with all unpleasant, but high necessity jobs.<br> The jobs I am talking about are the one’s with the abusive boss — the one’s with low salaries and no raises – the one’s that make your life worse, instead of better. These jobs suck the life out of you and, in some cases, everyone you work with. They deaden you to your own skills and capabilities. They use you up, discard the husk and replace you with yet another cog in the machine.<br> <br> <br> […]<br> <a href="">Read this entire column – Someone has to do that job…or not from the Career Opportunities Podcast</a><br> <a href="">Listen to this podcast</a><br> <br> <br> <br> // <br><br> <br> * A portion of each sale from directly supports our blogs <br> ** Many of these books may be available from your local library. Check it out! <br>