#45: You Don’t Have to Do It All

Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach show

Summary: Show Notes <br> <br> Episode #45: You Don't Have to Do It All<br> <br> The writing life involves a lot more than writing. These days a writer has to at least consider blogging, even if she isn’t officially a blogger. A writer has to build up an online presence and think about platform, encouraging likes, follows, and pins. A writer is encouraged to do readings and speak and present. Writers learn to propose and pitch and query, and to promote their work online and in real life.<br> <br> We do all this when all we really want to do is sit down and pen a few lines of poetry, write another romance novel, compose a screenplay, or finish the draft of an article for a dream publication.<br> <br> As the list grows long, we start to see things sitting unfinished and half-done on our screen or our to-do list. We can’t get everything done. We can’t. We’re just one person trying to write something meaningful, something funny, something true. Sometimes we’re going to have to pick just one thing, do that well, and be okay with the rest waiting another day. <br> <br> If you’ve been putting a lot of pressure on yourself to try it all, to get it right, to work nonstop, to reach every goal in a tight time frame, and everything’s falling apart or you’re falling apart...give yourself a break. For a few minutes. For a day. Sit down and have some tea. Or stand up, and stretch or dance.<br> <br> And when you finish that break, pull out a Post-It and write on it no more than three things you can honestly pull off. Depending on what time of day it is, you might just write one thing on that little square of paper. Or maybe it’s bedtime. Put away the paper and get some sleep. <br> <br> Because you can’t do it all. And that’s okay. You don’t have to do it all.<br> <br> At the very least, though, make sure ... you write.<br> <br> Click on the podcast player above or use subscription options below to listen to the full episode.<br> Resources:<br> <br> #9: Start Where You Are<br> #12: Rest and Productivity<br> #14: Progress, Not Perfection<br> #34: Celebrate What's Done<br> <br> * * *<br> You can subscribe with iTunes, where I'd love to have you subscribe, rate, and leave a review.<br> <br> The podcast is also available Stitcher, and you should be able to search for and find "Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach" in any podcast player.<br> <br> Photo of artwork and image design by Ann Kroeker.