Ep.18. Action Advice From The First 10 Legends

Your Life Of Impact with Brett Robbo show

Summary: "Knowledge isn’t power, until it’s applied". A famous quote from Dale Carnegie who wrote the bestseller, How to win friends and influence people.<br> <br> One of my goals with this podcast is to bring you an abundance of value.<br> <br> Unpacking the awesome stories of our inspirational guests is one powerful method, but more than that, I aim to provide you with an array of knowledge bombs and then actionable steps for you to apply their knowledge, and then turn it into power.<br> <br> I created this short episode to make it even easier for us all to implement their advice so you can re-listen and take notes anytime.<br> <br> This is the answers of the first 10 guests in order on Your Life Of Impact when I ask them - “What’s your advice on what specific Action our listeners can take today to become more impactful in their lives and in their communities?<br> <br> It’s powerful to hear the common advice coming through from these legends!<br> <br> Values, Purpose, Action, Responsibility, Mindful, Giving, Know your why, Gratitude, Ask Questions. These are all great reminders of some simple ways we can take action, turn knowledge into power, and be more impactful in our lives and in our communities.<br> <br> A reminder of these awesome guests in order:<br> Ep.1. Katrina Webb<br> Ep.2. Kurt Fearnley<br> Ep.3. Scott Reardon<br> Ep.4. Nam Baldwin<br> Ep.5. Vanessa Low<br> Ep.6. Andrew Morello<br> Ep.7. Liesl Tesch<br> Ep.8. Dan Pfaff<br> Ep.9. Karl Hughan<br> Ep.10. Don Elgin<br> <br> Resources discussed in this episode:<br> Author, Russ Harris<br> The Confidence Gap FREE ON AUDIBLE TRIAL:<br> yourlifeofimpactbook.com <br> The Happiness Trap