242 Get Rid Of Your Head Trash and Earn The Millions You Deserve; Noah St. John

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Summary: Noah St. John is an author, a key note speaker, and a money expert. In fact, he helps people make money who gave up on the idea long ago. Noah is the only author in history to have published with all of the following: Hay House, HarperCollins, Mindvalley, Nightingale-Conant, and the Chicken Soup for the Soul publisher. Contact Info Website: NoahStJohn.com Newest Book: Get Rid of Your Headtrash About Money by Noah St. John Get The Newest Book For Free: www.SendMeABookNoah.com Book: The Book of Afformations by Noah St. John Most Influential Person Louise Haye Effect on Emotions I grew up very angry and depressed and I was suicidal when I was twenty-five. When I say I was suicidal, it wasn't that I was depressed and considering it, I decided to commit suicide. I remember that moment very clearly when I was twenty-five. I had decided to do it [commit suicide] and I went to do it. At the very last minute, a miracle happened. I can only call it a miracle that saved my life. I tell that story in The Book of Afformations. But then after my life was saved, I said to God, I don't know why you chose me or spared me, but I'm going to devote the rest of my life to serving you and to serving humanity. It wasn't until five years later I discovered Afformations and success anorexia and wrote all these books. It's [mindfulness] definitely played a huge role. Thoughts on Breathing Breathing is huge. It's so important. I often say to my clients or on interviews, just the simple act of breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth; it just can't help but center you and bring you into that present moment. Suggested Resources Book: You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Haye Book: The Science of Mind by Dr. Ernest Holmes App: N/A Bullying Story I was definitely bullied as a child, mostly by my older brother. He was definitely a bully. I know he didn't mean to be. Honestly, he's got some emotional problems we found out later. I just thought he was a bully. Definitely, mindfulness would have helped me because what I realize is that I tried to become somebody that I'm not and I became a people pleaser. I became this doormat that people would and did walk all over. I let so many people take advantage of me. That's one of the reasons I ended up $40,000 in debt and living in my parents basement because I was still letting people walk all over me, letting people take advantage of me, trusting the wrong people, not listening to my inner self, my inner knowing, but listening to all the wrong people. So bullying has had a very big effect on my life. And of course, in a negative way. I think not just mindfulness would have helped, but certainly having tools and skills to stand up for myself. What's funny is that my wife and I recently went back to Maine. That's where my family still lives. I saw all of the things that would have really pushed my buttons before, but because I practice mindfulness and I use my afformations and all the methodologies now, I was aware of them and I didn't let them push me around. I was proud of myself. I realized I guess I've grown and that's awesome.