What I've Learned in August: Conscious learning, overcoming setbacks, and why you should stretch

The Darius Foroux Show: Master Your Productivity. Master Your Life. show

Summary: Welcome to a new segment of this podcast. At the beginning of every new month, I talk about the things I’ve learned during the previous month. 1. Keep a list of “What I’ve Learned” for yourself. For your personal development, and to make sure that everything you learn sticks with you, it’s good to keep a list. It’s simple. Just open a note and add new things to it as you go through a month. The point is that you want to be more conscious about learning. That’s how we retain more of the stuff we learn. 2. When you deal with setbacks, focus on learning instead of goals. Everyone deals with failure. What’s important is how you get out of a negative mindset. I do that by getting excited about new things to learn. 3. Stretch your muscles! Most importantly, your hip flexors and hamstrings. Those muscles are the biggest pain points for desk workers.