Rerun: The High Price of Obamacare’s Socialized Medicine

CrossPolitic Studios show

Summary: <p>Folks we truly thank you for listening, sharing, purchasing our merch, and all your support. Our podcast is less than a year old, and has grown from a measly several hundred downloads per month to about 20,000 downloads per month. We thank God for this, and for the opportunity to be apart of advancing His kingdom through this medium. We are taking the month of August off, due to work and a special episode we have coming September 1st (<a href="">see here</a>). So this August we will be releasing reruns that a lot of you have probably missed. Thank you for your prayers and look forward to our September live show.</p> <p>For this rerun, we address a problem that our government frankly is unable to solve. American Christianity has surrendered ground in areas that have supposed “little gospel application”.  But the Lordship of Christ is over every area of our lives, and this means the gospel applies to everything–including our healthcare. Dr. Jim Brook, author of <a href=";tag=crosspolitics-20&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;creativeASIN=1507803281&amp;linkId=48ff2c2a56edeee3c2e587798a00a84c" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The High Price of Socialized Medicine</a>, joins us to discuss why the free market would provide higher quality, cheaper healthcare in contrast to Obamacare.  Dr. Brook runs his own practice, and rejects health insurance in order to keep his pricing low and his service focused on the patient. Jesus is Lord overall, and as we seek to bring every thought captive under Christ, this should include our understanding of healthcare and economics.</p> <p>Thanks for everyone for supporting the show by buying merch and joining our club!  If you are interested in finding out more and joining in monthly support of the show, please click <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> <p>UPDATE:  The Gray Havens are performing at Wordsmithy and teaching a workshop!<br> Wordsmithy, a workshop for the arts, is held annually here in Moscow, Idaho at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">New Saint Andrews College</a>.  This year it will be held September 20th through the 22nd with special guest and acclaimed graphic novelist Doug Tennapel, and The Gray Havens.  Pastor Doug Wilson, author Nate Wilson, and literary agent and poet Aaron Rench will also be speaking at the teachers workshop.  They have extended <u>early registration through August 1st, so <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">register now here!</a></u>  We hope to see you there.</p>