Albert Mohler: An Act Of Pure Evil

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: The news from Las Vegas is heartbreaking. A lone killer staked out a position 32 floors above ground and then aimed powerful weapons at a massive crowd gathered for a music festival and then killed himself as police stormed his hotel room. More than 50 people are dead and hundreds are wounded. Already, this horrific scene is described as the worst mass shooting in American history. Authorities warn that the death toll will rise. President Donald Trump was absolutely right when he called the attack “an act of pure evil,” for evil it was, undiluted and undisguised. Even in an age of moral confusion, Americans can still know evil when they see it, now through a veil of tears. We will know more in days and hours to come. Right now, we know that the right thing is to pray for grieving families and the healing of our land. And the right thing is to call evil what it is, and not hide our faces from the truth.