America Responds to Attack in Las Vegas

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Townhall Review -– October 7, 2017 In the wake of the Las Vegas Massacre, President Trump issued an address to the nation. Hugh Hewitt invites David Drucker of the Washington Examiner to share on how crises like Vegas give Democrats far and wide opportunity to call for gun control. Dennis Prager shows how the problem isn’t with guns but with the moral unraveling of the country’s Judeo-Christian values. Mike Baker, a former covert operations officer with the CIA joins Kevin McCullough to discuss what measures can be taken to ensure the safety of our citizens from attacks like the one in Las Vegas. Dennis Prager takes a look at the incident involving a now-fired CBS News employee whose words went a step too far. Finally, Michael Medved looks at the faith and unity that continues to be a big part of our great country.