Sermon on the Mount - Lesson 4

Men of Torah show

Summary: Joshua finished up the series with chapter 7, pointing out that Yeshua had returned to his opening topic of how we treat and judge others, bringing in the demonstrable measure for measure concept. The exciting nature of this class was the extraordinary number of Torah, Talmudic and Midrashic references that are nearly verbatim what the Master said. There was insightful discussion of dogs, pigs and pearls. Yeshua quotes Hillel the Elder, again bringing home Joshua's point that Yeshua is the pivot-point in history between the Zugot period and the Talmudic/Rabbinic periods. And Yeshua closes with a traditional Rabbinic expression (b. Moed Kattan) used to sever the relationship with a disciple as a form of discipline. (Matthew 7:1-29)