Identity Crisis

West Chester Story Slam show

Summary: Welcome to the West Chester Story Slam podcast! Our August Story Slam was themed Identity Crisis, and we heard some fascinating stories about mistaken identities, faked identities, and more. We ended the night with a three way tie - so I had to reconvene our judges to decide who would walk away with the night’s prized pint glass. Lucky for you, today you’ll get to hear all three of the stories in our podcast and make your own decision. When the judges reconvened and and cast their second votes, first-time storyteller Paul Heck stood tall. Here is Paul’s story. As I mentioned, Paul was a first time storyteller, and he didn’t put his name in the hat until intermission. He will now be one of our storytellers competing in the Grand Slam. Have you marked your calendar? The Grand Slam will be held on November 7th at the Chester County Historical Society. Tickets go on sale Wednesday, October 11th. Arianna Scavetti is our next storyteller. Arianna has told some fun stories, but this story about mistaken identity was a great way to kick off our story slam.  Our final storyteller is Steve Clark from Philadelphia. Steve Clark has been called Philadelphia’s Best Storyteller by Philly Magazine. He has won multiple First Person Arts Grand Slams and hosts a few events, including a storytelling Open Mic at City Tap - Logan and Trump’s America - A Comedy Show in Kensington. Tickets for our September 12th Story Slam, which is themed School Days, are going quick. If you are interested in attending one of our Story Slams live, here are some tips. West Chester Story Slam is held on the second Tuesday of the month. Seats do sell out so you want to plan ahead. And if you want to tell a story, buy your ticket and then see me - Jim - when you arrive! All the info you need can be found at our website. If you are a fan of the West Chester Story Slam podcast - please let your friends know, or write a review on iTunes.