Hugh Hewitt: Supporting Our Troops in Dangerous Times

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Recently an Iranian drone came within 100 yards of an American F-18 in the Persian Gulf. After a U.S. Navy ship fired warning shot, an Iran Navy patrol boat charged our ship before veering away. Recently I asked National Security Advisor General H. R. McMaster if the rules of engagement for U.S. forces operating in close proximity to the increasingly reckless Iranian forces were clear. General McMaster gave an emphatic “yes”—and also noted that President Trump would stand behind any American commander taking steps to protect his soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines. This was a great message to hear from National Security Advisor McMaster—especially given the many dangers our forces are facing down around the planet. He made it clear that he is—and the President is—backing up American troops in harm’s way. It’s been too many years since such a policy was explicitly stated and backed by the Commander in Chief. Good for McMaster. Good for President Trump. And good for our military.