Albert Mohler: Why Is It Fine to Criticize Christianity but Not Islam?

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: A public radio station in Berkeley, California, KPFA, recently disinvited world-renowned scientist Richard Dawkins due to his alleged “abusive speech” about Islam. Over the years, Richard Dawkins has basically insulted the intelligence of anyone and everyone who believes in God. He has made extremely caustic comments about Christianity and every other theistic worldview, including Islam. Dawkins says the station’s accusation that he has engaged in abusive speech about Islam is libel. Moreover, he points out, “I am known as a frequent critic of Christianity and have never been de-platformed for that. Why do you give Islam a free pass? Why is it fine to criticize Christianity but not Islam?” Now that’s a really good question. Why is Richard Dawkins not de-platformed for criticizing Christianity, but rather for Islam? It is because of the very twisted understanding of sensibilities, the redefinition of speech, and the protection of certain groups rather than others. The story also sadly tells us how a radio station that’s supposed to serve the public in encouraging and allowing conversation, instead can and will simply shut it down.