044: Inflamed with Shelly Malone

Grace & Grit Podcast show

Summary: I have been talking about inflammation with clients for more than a decade: what causes it, how to reduce it and how to prevent being in a chronic state of it.<br> <br> Many women I work with tend not to believe in the power of inflammation until they clean up their diet enough and reduce other stressors in their life enough, that when they do something that insults the inside of their body, they feel the effects of inflammation in a very powerful way. The reality is a healthy body will be loud and clear about what is working for it and what isn’t. Unfortunately, most people are walking around in a chronic state of inflammation, so they have practically become de-sensitized to the messages that their body is trying to send them. <br> <br> There is no arguing that the body is an incredible vessel that does some pretty remarkable things to keep you alive and healthy. <br> <br> Cut your finger…your immune system rushes to the site to heal the wound and prevent infection<br> <br> Get food poisoning? Your digestive track will do everything it can to heal you.<br> <br> Overheat at the gym? Sweat comes to the rescue to cool you off!<br> <br> These are all examples of healthy inflammatory responses. While all of this is awesome and helpful, research is starting to show us that our body’s healthy responses can actually backfire on us especially when we repeatedly injure the inside of our body. <br> <br> To help us better understand the power of inflammation and how we can control it, I have invited a remarkable guest to the show, her name is Shelly Malone.