How to Choose the Best Productivity Tools and Resources [Podcast #174]

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity! show

Summary: <br> <a href="#p1">W</a>here do you turn when your tools fail you? In this week's episode of <a title="Subscribe in iTunes" href="" target="_blank">The 5 AM Miracle Podcast</a> I discuss how to choose the best productivity tools and resources, especially when faced with a multitude of options.<br> In the Tip of the Week segment I share why I recently signed up for a conference and then walked out after the first day.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="">← Previous Episode</a><br> <a href="">Next Episode →</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href=""></a>Photo Credit: <a style="color: #808080;" href="" target="_blank">Elle Rae_</a> Flickr via <a style="color: #808080;" href="" target="_blank">Compfight</a> <a style="color: #808080;" href="" target="_blank">cc</a><br> Download the Script<br> Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. <a title="Download the script" href="" target="_blank">Download the script</a>.<br> Resources Mentioned in the Show<br> <br> * <a href="" target="_blank">Organifi Green Juice</a> ==&gt; Save 20% with the Coupon Code: SANDERS<br> * <a href="" target="_blank">Acuity Scheduling</a> [Never ask “what time works for you?” again]<br> * <a href=";ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1434719721&amp;sr=1-1" target="_blank">Read my book</a> [The 5 AM Miracle: Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast]<br> * <a href="" target="_blank">Nozbe</a> [My absolute favorite task manager]<br> * <a href="" target="_blank">LearnDash</a> [The LMS system I recently bought and LOVE]<br> * <a href="" target="_blank">ThriveCart</a> [The shopping cart that I recently bought and also LOVE]<br> * <a href="" target="_blank">Complete list of all my tools</a> [Check out my Internet business resources]<br> <br> <br><br> <br> The best solution, at any point in time, is direct action towards your most important goal.<br> <br> – JEFF SANDERS<br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br> <br> Next Week<br> On the podcast next week I will be going back to the basics and discussing how to form the long-term habit of waking up early.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="">← Previous Episode</a><br> <a href="">Next Episode →</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>