7 Essential Elements of Productivity, Part 1 [Podcast #188]

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity! show

Summary: <br> <a href="#p1">W</a>hat does productivity look like when you break it down to its core? In this week's episode of <a title="Subscribe in iTunes" href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/the-5-am-miracle-podcast/" target="_blank">The 5 AM Miracle Podcast</a> I break down the first 3 components of the 7 Essential Elements of Productivity.<br> In the Tip of the Week segment I share 2 inspiring documentaries to help you get to the gym — right now!<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/how-to-master-productivity-in-100-days-with-john-lee-dumas-podcast-187/">← Previous Episode</a><br> <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/seven-essential-elements-of-productivity-part-2-podcast-189/">Next Episode →</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/seven-essential-elements-of-productivity-part-1-podcast-188/"></a>Photo Credit: <a style="color: #808080;" href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/66284747@N00/2987190363/" target="_blank">Andreas Øverland</a> Flickr via <a style="color: #808080;" href="http://compfight.com" target="_blank">Compfight</a> <a style="color: #808080;" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/" target="_blank">cc</a><br> Download the Script<br> Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. <a title="Download the script" href="https://s3.amazonaws.com/jcom-scripts/5amScript188.pdf" target="_blank">Download the script</a>.<br> Resources Mentioned in the Show<br> <br> * <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/blueapron" target="_blank">Blue Apron</a> [Get 3 FREE Meals + FREE Shipping]<br> * <a href="http://freshbooks.com/5am" target="_blank">FreshBooks</a> [Online Invoicing Made Easy]<br> * <a href="http://amzn.to/2iQ2puu" target="_blank">The 5 AM Miracle: Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast</a> [Book by Jeff Sanders]<br> * <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/tag/seven-essential-elements-of-productivity/" target="_blank">7 Essential Elements of Productivity</a> [My 7-part blog series]<br> * <a href="https://vimeo.com/ondemand/eddiestrongman" target="_blank">Eddie Strongman</a> [Documentary]<br> * <a href="https://www.amazon.com/CT-Fletcher-My-Magnificent-Obsession/dp/B01K6YKVJY" target="_blank">CT Fletcher: My Magnificent Obsession</a> [Documentary]<br> <br> <br> Next Week<br> On the podcast next week I will be breaking down part 2 of the 7 Essential Elements of Productivity.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/how-to-master-productivity-in-100-days-with-john-lee-dumas-podcast-187/">← Previous Episode</a><br> <a href="https://www.jeffsanders.com/seven-essential-elements-of-productivity-part-2-podcast-189/">Next Episode →</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>