12/09/2016 Friday – Methodical Author Rebekah Roth on 9/11 and Future possibilities

The Ochelli Effect show

Summary: <a style="color: #ff0000;" href="http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archives/Ochelli-Effect-32k-120916.mp3">12/09/2016</a>    Friday - Methodical Author <a href="https://ochelli.com/podcasts/07142016-thursday-rebekah-roth-methodical-conclusion/">Rebekah Roth</a> on 9/11 and Future possibilities. <a href="http://readroth.com">Methodical Illusion, Deception, Conclusion</a>, and beyond What do the Clintons and many others have to do with Vira and Max? Listen and find out...<br> <br>