Can General Kelly Bring Military Discipline to the White House?

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: The Townhall Review--August 5, 2017. President Trump enthusiastically welcomes newly appointed General John Kelly as the new Chief of Staff. Hugh Hewitt speaks with James Hohman, Political Correspondent for the Washington Post, about how General Kelly is shaking things up at the White House. Mike Gallagher turns to Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller on the White House staff scandal involving a now arrested aide to the former DNC Head Debby Wasserman Schultz. Michael Medved speaks with Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson on his plan to break the GOP healthcare logjam. Hugh Hewitt asks Molly Ball, staff writer of the Atlantic Magazine, about the White House Chief of Staff replacement. Dennis Prager interviews Alex Epstein, head of The Center for Industrial Progress in San Diego, about former Vice President Al Gore's newly released documentary, “An Inconvenient Sequel.” Hugh Hewitt speaks with retired Admiral and former head of the US Navy’s Southern Command, James Stavridis about Venezuela moving to a full military dictatorship, led by President Nicolas Maduro. Larry Elder speaks with Professor and Lawyer Keith Fink on the First Amendment situation at UCLA that led to his firing. Mike Gallagher invites author Dinesh D’Souza on the show to talk about his new book, “The Big Lie: Exposing Nazi Roots of the American Left.”