Episode 019: Discipline Techniques to Avoid: Because they hurt more than they help.

Parent With a Pro show

Summary: I'll be honest.  Parenting a sassy, spirited, and strong-willed child has brought out the best in me and the worst in me.  I never knew I could be so forgiving, so resilient, and so loving.  I also never knew I could be so irritable, short-tempered, and angry.<br> <br> As I have accepted that I am an imperfect parent and that I might not always do what I'm supposed to do, I have wanted to learn if there were some things I should never do.  What things I should vow to not do no matter how mad, exhausted, or fed up I am.  Which things could do more harm than good.<br> <br> That's what today's episode is all about.  This is all evidence-based advice that I feel completely confident in sharing with you today.  I hope that you'll give it a listen as it may make a world of difference for you and your child.<br> <br> Happy listening!<br> <br> <br> Would you like to have a link to each new episode sent directly to your inbox?<br> Sign up today and never miss a thing.