Episode 020: How to Keep Your Cool When Your Kids Are Pushing Your Buttons

Parent With a Pro show

Summary: As a parent of a sassy, spirited, or strong-willed child, you know what it means to have your patience tried.  Your little cherubs want their way and they'll do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to get it.  Yet, we've been taught over and over again through the podcast, that parents need to be calm, cool, and collected.<br> <br> So how are you supposed to be cool as a cucumber even though your buttons are getting pushed from sun up to sun down?<br> <br> Jeff Tesch, LMFT has some excellent guidance in this fabulous episode!<br> <br> I hope that you'll give it a listen as I think the principles taught in it could be life-changing.<br> <br> Happy Listening!<br> <br> <br> Don't miss a thing. For a brief description of and a link to our weekly episodes, enter your email below!