Tomorrowland : Episode 43 - decipher SciFi : the show about how and why

decipher SciFi : the show about how and why show

Summary: Stream the movie:<br><br> <a href=";mt=6" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">iTunes<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a> | <a href=";qid=1466389622&amp;sr=8-1&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Tomorrowland<br> What: Scientific curiosity and a love of invention and a quest to save earth from pessimism and destruction.<br><br> Directed by: Brad Bird<br><br> Starring: George Clooney, Britt Robertson, Hugh Laurie, Raffey Cassidy<br> Recommended and Related Media<br> <br> Walt Disney – The Triumph of the American Imagination by Neal Gabler<br><br> A portrait of what shaped Walt Disney’s wonderful imagination and how he made it reality.<br><br> Read it with your ears <a href=";mt=3" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">iTunes<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a> | <a href=";qid=1466392093&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=gabler+disney+audiobook&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br><br> Read it with your eyes <a href=";at=1001l7hP" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">iTunes<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a> | <a href=";qid=1466392020&amp;sr=8-1&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> A 19th Century Vision of the Year 2000<br><br> A series of images of “the future” from around the turn of the twentieth century. Hokey, but then our ideas will look the same later on!<br><br> Check them out at <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">The Public Domain Review<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Show Notes<br> Brad Bird<br> 50s and 60s techno optimism. The Iron Giant. The Incredibles.<br> World’s Fair<br> Stages of the worlds fair. Our tech and relationship to it.<br> Walt Disney<br> Futurism. Techno optimism. Shaping reality to fit his vision.<br> Tomorrowland<br> Disneyland. EPCOT. Disney’s vision for a designed city.<br> A sense of wonder<br> Childlike optimism. Positivity in the face of pessimism. Three wolf moon.<br> Future Visions<br> Visions of technology and the future  from different periods.<br> Goodbyes<br> Bollocks!<br> Feedback? Please Contact Us<br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> Amazon and iTunes links include our affiliate codes. If you wouldn’t mind helping us out a tiny bit, go ahead and use them to buy/stream something. Thanks!