Episode 41: Reina Takahashi

100 Creatives show

Summary: Sally picked up a copy of 'Hello Tokyo' from her local bookshop and has really enjoyed it. You can read more about Ebony Bizys and her work at  Paper cut artist Reina has enjoyed trying out an iPad Pro and an iPencil.  She has also enjoyed her visits to the reopened San Francisco MOMA to see the work of Ellsworth Kelly and Agnes Martin. For her 100 day project, Reina has been doing 100 paper cut breakfasts. Sally's favourite is the Pop tart! Reina is always on the lookout for beautiful paper. Some of her favourite paper comes from French Paper Company in Michigan. Reina's advice: Get support from people around you. Surround yourself with like minded people. Choose a location to work and a time of day to do it. That way, when you are in that location you are ready to work and you have a time that you always do it, so you are less likely to try and skip out on doing it. You can find Reina on @reinasaur on Instagram and on her website at reinasaur.com