Episode 104: AHS Recap

The Paleo View show

Summary: Ep. 104: AHS Recap On this episode of The Paleo View, Stacy and Sarah share on their 2014 Ancestral Health Symposium experience. The Paleo View (TPV), Episode 104: AHS Recap Intro (0:00) News and Views (1:03) Sarah and Stacy didn't end up recording the podcast in person while at AHS due to Stacy's travel snafus Stacy's trip back from AHS went much more smoothly then the flight there Despite the stress of making it to California for AHS, Stacy had a great time catching up with people, especially since she had the opportunity to spend some time with Danielle Stacy noted that the word on the street is that Sarah and Stacy's presentation was a favorite of the female attendees Sarah shared on Thursday's book signing and what happened when Stacy was two hours late Stacy shared on her experience staying at the dorms and what her neighbors had to say about their favorite presentations Sarah mentioned that videos of the presentations will be available online for those who weren't able to make it - keep an eye out for those here Sarah shared on the diversity of AHS attendees and how that impacts the dialogue that takes place at this event and how people's opinions evolve because of the event environment, especially around the hot topic of ketogenic diets Stacy and Sarah's presentation focused on ketogenic diets and how they impact women specifically Stacy and Sarah chatted about the community and how it is growing Stacy shared on how her presentation with Stephanie went on strength training for women Sarah and Stacy chatted further about women's shapes and how strength training is perceived in today's society Stacy's favorite talk was Diana Rodger's on purchasing organic and/or fair-trade foods - check out this post for more information; Dr. Kaayla Daniel's talk on broth was a close second Sarah really enjoyed Daniel Pardi's talk on behavioral research, and Denise Minger's talk on high carb/low fat diets Stacy shared on the Mission Heirloom dinner that her and Sarah were able to attend They even got to try camel milk from Dessert Farms Sarah and Stacy's lunch at The Local Butcher was also amazing Get ready for an amazing guest next week! Thank you all for listening! Outro (56:03)